“The obligation to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being is binding for all the baptized. The authority with which leaders — ordained persons, adults who minister with minors (children and youth), youth in leadership roles, and adults who minister with vulnerable humans — are entrusted, creates an inherent power imbalance in the pastoral relationship. This power imbalance derives from the leadership role and, in the case of clergy, the symbolic authority of an ordained person. Christian leadership is intended to provide occasions for guidance and grace, and its abuse is always and unequivocally wrong.” (The Episcopal Church)

We take our responsibility to protect our children, churches, and community seriously. The Safe Church, Safe Communities program teaches how to identify and prevent abuse within our parish communities. This is why Safe Church, Safe Communities is required for all clergy, canonically resident or licensed to serve. It is also mandatory for non-clergy who are leaders in church buildings including vestry members, committees, staff, eucharistic ministers and visitors, and anyone who works with our children. If you have a key to a church, then you must be Safe Church certified.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in training sessions. Certificates are valid for three years and then a renewal is required.

For more information on how to obtain training using Safe Church, Safe Communities, please email us at office@episcopalnevada.org.